Rumor: Google is working on gesture controls for next version Android

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Google is said to be working on gesture control for the next version of Android. For example, users should be able to access the contact list at any time by drawing a C on the screen. Such functions are not yet in Android.

There’s no guarantee the feature will come, said Venturebeat, citing a single source at the search giant. By incorporating gesture functions, users should be able to perform certain tasks more quickly. At the moment, users can quickly access contacts via ‘Ok Google’ in the Google app, but a gesture would be faster.

The function is not currently in use with other smartphone makers, but various manufacturers do work with gesture control. Many Android devices support drawing letters on a turned off screen, for example to start the camera or flashlight without turning on the screen. In addition, Nokia once developed the Z Launcher that worked with drawing letters and Huawei has the Knuckle Touch function that works via control with the knuckles.

Google would like to reveal several new features of Android at its own developer conference Google I/O, which starts May 17 in the American city of Mountain View. That is also where Google has its headquarters. In addition to gesture control, Venturebeat also mentions a feature to tap addresses in text messages to open it in Google Maps.

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