Rumor: EA will release Mass Effect Trilogy remaster within a year

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Electronic Arts wants to make an HD remaster of the Mass Effect trilogy within a year. It would come out for the new consoles, but not on the Nintendo Switch. The game should be released before March 2021, Venturebeat writes.

EA plans to release at least 14 games in the coming fiscal year. The company writes in its annual report that it includes known and expected titles such as FIFA 21, NHL 21 and Madden NFL 21. The developer previously announced a remaster of Command & Conquer for PC, and a remaster of Burnout Paradise for PC. the Nintendo Switch.

In the annual report, EA also talks about an “unannounced EA Sports title, and an “additional EA HD title.” Venturebeat now writes that it is a remaster of the three Mass Effect games. However, according to the site, that game will not initially be released on the Switch immediately. It is unknown on which platforms the game will be released. It is not clear what exactly Venturebeat is basing the statements on. The site cites statements by CEO Andrew Wilson several times, but it does not appear that the news about Mass Effect is due to him.

Venturebeat does not write anything about the release date of the game either. That would be released within EA’s upcoming fiscal year, but that will continue until March 2021.

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