Rumor: AMD is considering splitting up

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AMD is rumored to be investigating a division of its business units. As a result, the company would like to improve its competitive position against rival Intel. However, no decision has yet been made.

That reports the usually well-informed news agency Reuters on the basis of three unnamed sources, who would have knowledge of the plans. The investigation is still at an early stage and no decisions have been made yet, the sources say. A consultancy company is said to have been engaged to investigate whether a split could be beneficial. An AMD spokesperson denies to Reuters that a split is being considered.

One of the options that would be considered is to split off the GPU branch. AMD has owned GPU manufacturer ATI since 2006, so that the company would, as it were, stand on its own two feet again. By allowing business units to operate separately from each other, AMD would be better able to compete with rival Intel, according to the rumours. In the processor market, the company is currently finding it difficult to compete, which has caused its market share to decline in recent times.

Splitting AMD had previously been considered, but the plan was ultimately not implemented. However, since October, the company has had a new CEO with Lisa Su, who would feel like a split, according to the rumours. Nevertheless, it remains unclear whether the decision will actually be taken.

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