Rules of Ebenezer Cobb Morley caused a revolution in football

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For Ebenezer Cobb Morley football looked very different from what we are used to today. It was much more brutal and therefore also more like rugby. Organisationally it did not look like anything, there were several competing competitions, schools and even leagues without a formal management structure. And to conclude, there were also many different rules.


Morley is the founder of the English Football Association, the Football Association (FA) . The oldest and official governing body of the sport . In addition, he has [13,490,001] 13 rules laid down to better regulate the game this created the first standard of the sport.

Google today honors the father of modern football with its own Doodle. Today was his 187th birthday. This is what you need to know about the man who codified the most popular sport in the world.

Google Doodle


The original “Laws of the Game”, handwritten by Ebenezer Cobb Morley, can still be read in the National Football Museum in Manchester, England.

His rules not only caused the game to become less violent, but also created a standard that was used all over the country, and later on the whole world.

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