Roundcube Meets Indiegogo Goal for Roundcube Next Development

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The open source webmail client Roundcube has reached its goal of raising $80,000 from the crowdfunding site Indiegogo. This allows the developers to work on Roundcube Next. It should get an improved interface, as well as many additional applications.

At the time of writing, Roundcube has raised almost $84,000, converted more than 75,000 euros, via Indiegogo. With the money, Roundcube wants a number of developers to work full-time on the development of Roundcube Next, the successor to the current Roundcube webmail client.

The ambitions for Next are great. The webmail client must become a new web application that can also be used on mobile devices thanks to a responsive design. In addition, numerous additional web applications are required. The plans include a video chat app, based on WebRTC, a regular chat client via xmpp, collaboration on documents and access to to-do lists and cloud storage services.

All code being developed for Roundcube Next will be provided open source. There will also be a Roundcube Apps Manager to also provide access to third-party web apps.

Roundcube claims to have more than five hundred thousand verified installations worldwide and is used by many ISPs and organizations as a webmail client, among others. Among others, Xs4all, which will be involved in the development of Roundcube Next, offers Roundcube as a webmail client.

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