Rockstar announces prices for PS5 and Xbox Series versions of GTA V

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Rockstar has revealed prices for the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions of GTA V. The studio offers discounts for the first three months after release. However, the company does not offer free upgrades to gamers with the PS4 and Xbox One versions of GTA V.

The PS5 version of Grand Theft Auto V will be offered with a 75 percent discount until June 14, Eurogamer also writes. The game costs 10 euros. GTA Online is also available for free for the PS5 for the first three months. After June 14, the game will cost 40 euros on the currentgen console.

Strikingly enough, the game is more expensive for the Xbox Series X and S during the introduction period. The game costs 20 euros on that platform, which equates to a 50 percent discount. This price difference can probably be explained by the fact that GTA Online is not free on the Xbox platform during the introduction period: the online mode costs 10 euros separately. After June 14, the Xbox version will cost 40 euros again, just like the PS5 version of the game.

The GTA V versions for the new consoles from Sony and Microsoft will be released on March 15. The upgrade adds improved graphics, HDR and 4k60 support, and ray tracing, among other things. Users can transfer their progression from the PS4 and Xbox One versions but will not get a free upgrade to the new currentgen versions.

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