Riot Games presents two new champions for League of Legends

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Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, has presented two new champions. It concerns the male Rakan and the female Xayah. In the underlying story, they are a couple. They are two unique champions that simultaneously have a mutual synergy.

Rakan is a very agile champion and belongs to the support class. His main task is to protect and assist others. To this end, he can create a shield for himself, or for a champion friend. In addition, he can jump forward and throw enemies into the air through the impact. He can throw a feather that does damage and can also heal himself or a champion friend with it. Rakan’s ultimate ability gives him a high sprint speed, with his pull making any enemy he runs past temporarily uncontrollable.

Xayah is known as a ‘marksman’, which means that she has to target enemies with projectiles, especially from a distance. Xayah can shoot feathers at enemies that pass through multiple targets. In addition, she has two daggers with which she can harass enemies. She can speed up and make her base attack stronger; if an enemy is hit with it, Xayah gains a faster movement speed for a short moment. Shooting leaves feathers on the playing field that Xayah can bring back to him. Hit enemies will then be unable to move for a short time. Xahay’s ultimate ability is Featherstorm, which allows her to jump in the air, be invulnerable for a short time, and stab enemies with knives.

Rakan and Xayah are two champions who seem to be inspired by birds. Both champions use feathers for their attributes and the feathers are also reflected in both of their outfits. Their mutual synergy consists of teleporting to the base, which both can synchronize with each other. There is also a certain quality of Xayah that Rakan is the only one who gets when he is near Xayah.

Both champions are available for testing on the public beta environment. Soon the champions will be officially available to everyone, probably with the introduction of patch 7.8. Patch 7.7 will be officially released on Wednesday.

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