Respawn fixes input lag with Xbox Series version Apex Legends

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Respawn released a patch for the Xbox Series version of Apex Legends on Tuesday. The patch aims to eliminate the input lag that has plagued several Xbox Series players over the past two weeks.

“We just released a minor update to Apex Legends to address input lag issues on Xbox Series X|S consoles,” writes Respawn Tuesday. The lag is presumably due to a major update that came out for the shooter on June 22.

Xbox Series version of Apex Legends players complained since then that the input via their controllers was not registered or was registered too late. The problem was especially common with the newer Xbox controllers and Elite Series 2 controllers. A temporary solution that was suggested, was removing recent firmware updates.

After downloading the patch, the players no longer seem to suffer from input lag. It’s not clear why this issue only occurred on the current generation of Xbox consoles.

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