Renting Battlefield 1 servers will be considerably more expensive on PC than on consoles

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EA has announced dollar prices for server rentals for Battlefield 1. PC gamers pay one and a half times as much as console users. It is only possible to rent a server through publisher Electronic Arts, with Battlefield 4 that was still possible through third parties.

EA announces the dollar prices, but it is not yet clear what renting a server for Battlefield 1 will cost in euros. Presumably the euro prices are equal to the dollar prices. It is striking that renting a server for the PC version of the game costs considerably more than is the case with the consoles. EA does not give the reason for the additional price. Also, the prices are higher than what EA asked for Battlefield 4 server rentals.

Gamers can only rent servers for Battlefield 1 directly through EA, and the publisher manages the infrastructure itself. With Battlefield 4, the publisher outsourced that to third parties. EA says by keeping the servers in-house, it can offer everyone “the same unified experience”. The Rent-a-Server Program will be available from November, the game itself will be released on October 21.

By renting their own server, players can set up private and public Battlefield 1 servers. In doing so, they gain control over various game options and the rotation of the maps. It is currently not clear what changes are possible with the Battlefield 1 servers. EA says it will announce more about the features on Thursday. In any case, a Kick/Ban feature will be added at a later date.

Period PC PlayStation 4 / Xbox One
1 day $2.99 $1.99
7 days $11.99 $7.99
30 days $42.99 $26.99
90 days $99.99 $64.99
180 days $149.99 $99.99

Replay: Battlefield 1 video review. Also read the written review.

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