Release Firefox 4 shifts again
Because blocker bugs in Firefox 4 are taking longer to get rid of than previously thought, the release of the multiplatform browser is likely to be pushed back to March. Meanwhile, we are also working hard on Firefox 5.
Damon Sicore, director of platform engineering at Mozilla know that the planned release of Firefox 4 at the end of February will not be met. The number of blockers, bugs that prevent a final release, would still be too large. The aim is now to release the release candidate of the open source browser on February 25 after eleven beta rounds. The final release of Firefox 4 should take place sometime in March.
Despite the delayed release of Firefox 4 again, plans are already being made for version 5 of the browser. After Mozilla already simplified the interface in Firefox 4, mock-ups of Firefox 5 are now circulating in which the gui adapts to the website visited. A idea is to bring up a menu showing site-specific features. For example, a Facebook user could select various functions of the social networking site via a shortcut menu. In addition, there are plans to expand the separate search field delete, a concept that was already implemented in Google Chrome. Firefox 5 should be available this year.