Reddit tightens rules for publishing nude photos

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Reddit, a busy web forum, is going to tighten the rules for publishing images that show nudes. The administrators say they will do this after stolen nude photos of celebrities were shown on the site.

Reddit users will soon be banned from posting nude photos of others without their permission, Reddit told The New York Times. Anyone who comes across a nude photo of themselves on Reddit that he or she has not granted permission to publish can contact the administrators to have it removed. Reddit also says it will be releasing a series of tutorials that will provide guidelines for moderators to keep the various subforums ‘positive’.

According to the administrators, the tightened rules, which will take effect on March 10, are necessary because Reddit considers the privacy of its users to be of paramount importance and because they want to “modernize” the platform in the longer term. However, the step seems to have been taken after the publication of hundreds of nude photos of American film and music stars on Reddit, among others. The administrators were forced to remove the offending images on various subforums after lawyers knocked on the door of the website.

In recent years, Reddit has grown to be the most visited media site on the internet. Reddit’s countless sub-forums attract 160 million active users every month.

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