Reddit poll: A quarter of Pebble Time owners suffer from scratches

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A survey conducted among Reddit users shows that just over a quarter of users suffer from scratches. Mostly minor damage. In recent times, many reports from users about scratched bezels and screens.

A Reddit user has posted the results of his research online. Just over half of the 790 respondents with a Pebble Time report that they have no damage to their watch. Just over a quarter report scratches on the bezel, while a significantly smaller proportion also suffer from a scratched screen. Most of the people who report damage say it’s minor scratches.

The investigation was carried out after many complaints recently surfaced from Pebble Time owners, who reported scratches on the screen and bezel. However, it was not clear exactly how big the problems were. The questionnaire on Reddit shows that a substantial part of Pebble Time owners suffer from scratches, although they largely state that it concerns minor damage. Only 3.4 percent of the respondents state that they will make a warranty application.

There are a few caveats to be made about the survey. For example, it cannot be established whether the sample is representative and little attention has been paid to content validation. The research does provide insight into the scratch problem surrounding the Pebble Time.

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