Reddit abolishes custom css for subreddits

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Website Reddit makes it impossible for moderators to edit subreddits with custom css. Instead, there will be tools to create themes for subreddits. Moderators on Reddit don’t seem happy with the move.

According to Reddit, the step is necessary because the changes to CSS do not work well on mobile, where more than half of the visits now come from. Additionally, customizing a subreddit now requires knowledge of CSS, which not everyone has. In addition, Reddit calls css a ‘pain in the ass’, because it can cause many errors.

Instead, in the future, subreddit admins will be able to customize pages with tools that include header and spot color customization. Those theme editors should also show the changes well in browsers on smartphones.

Subreddit administrators expressed their dissatisfaction in the comments to the post. They believe that removing the ability to modify the CSS leads to less control over the page and thus to a reduced identity of subreddits.

It will take some time for Reddit to implement the changes. Doing custom css is part of a site-wide redesign. Creating the theme tools will take at least a few more months.

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