Red Hat releases fix for Libxml2 vulnerability

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Red Hat became the first software vendor to release an update in response to a critical vulnerability in Libxml2. The National Cyber ​​Security Center, among others, warned this week about the vulnerability in the library for processing XML documents.

The leak allowed malicious parties to cause a dos attack on web applications. It came to light during a regular safety test by Sogeti. The researchers reported the vulnerability to the National Cyber ​​Security Center, which later issued the warning.

The NCSC had notified the developers of Libxml2 of the vulnerability. They chose to make the leak publicly known and also offer a solution to software suppliers. Red Hat is now the first of these, it was announced. The company releases three Linux distributions: Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Fedora, and CentOS.

Finally, the National Cyber ​​Security Center says it is closely monitoring the situation. According to the center, other software parties are also coming up with solutions for the leak.

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