Razer will add portrait mode and 60fps video to smartphone with updates

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Razer is going to add camera functions to its recently released Razer Phone with an update. For example, there should be a portrait mode, a button to zoom directly and users can record videos at 60fps.

Razer is now working on the first update and plans to make it available sometime in the coming months, the Razer CEO wrote on Facebook. The shutter speed and performance in low-light should improve as a result, and the button for fast zooming is also included in the first update. The portrait mode and 60fps video capability will come along with the upgrade to Android 8.0 for the end of March next year, the manufacturer promises.

The game product maker released its first smartphone last week. The model stands out especially with allegedly the most powerful speakers on a smartphone to date and a screen with a 120Hz refresh rate. Sharp devices for the Japanese market and Apple’s recent iPad Pros also have such LCDs. At 120Hz, games and the interface should look smoother.

The introduction of the smartphone followed after the acquisition of Nextbit earlier this year. Nextbit, a company owned by a former HTC designer, focused on the development of smartphones. The Razer Phone is not coming to the Benelux, but Razer does sell the phone in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, France, Denmark and Sweden. The suggested retail price is 750 euros.

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