Raspberry Pi Foundation shows new mini computer

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The Raspberry Pi Foundation released a new version of the mini computer on Monday. The so-called Raspberry Pi Compute Module could perform all the core tasks of a regular Pi with a smaller board and is expected to cost about thirty dollars.

The dimensions of the Compute Module are 6.76 by 3.00 centimeters. Just like its big brother, the board has a BCM21553 soc and 512MB memory. In addition, the mini-computer has a storage capacity of 4GB via flash memory, it was announced.

With the Compute Module, the Raspberry Pi Foundation mainly aims at those who want to put together everything themselves. Nevertheless, the organization has also announced the open source IO Board, to which a Compute Module can be connected. The IO Board has USB and HDMI connections and offers, among other things, the possibility to more easily access the flash memory and the processor interfaces.

The Compute Module and IO Board will initially be offered together in a special kit, which will be available from June for an undisclosed amount. According to the Raspberry Pi Foundation, it is also possible to buy them separately.

Compute Model (l) and a regular Raspberry Pi

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