Privacy foundation noyb files a complaint about misleading tracking by Google Chrome

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Privacy foundation noyb has filed a complaint with the Austrian privacy regulator DSB against Google for allegedly misleading users in the Chrome browser. The tech company would wrongly present the use of tracking APIs as a positive privacy feature.

Google calls Chrome's Privacy Sandbox API functionalities more privacy-friendly alternatives to third-party tracking cookies, but according to noyb, parties can now de facto continue to track users in the same way via this function. Users must give permission for this due to the GDPR. Google does this through a pop-up stating that consent “enables an advertising privacy feature.” According to the privacy foundation, users consent to first-party tracking without their knowledge.

The organization recognizes that Google's new tracking system may infringe less on user privacy than regular third-party cookies. According to the GDPR, on the other hand, the company should not use such dark patterns. In other words, Noyb claims that Google is misleading users by requesting consent for tracking in the manner described.

The Privacy Sandbox APIs are intended to replace third-party tracking cookies. Instead, advertisers can use the data collection that takes place within Chrome.

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