Portal Reloaded mod gives players portalgun with third time travel portal

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Ten years after the release of Portal 2, the Portal Reloaded mod was released. It is a standalone game, in which players have access to a portal gun that can fire not two, but three portals. The new green portal is for time travel.

The mod consists of new environments containing 25 puzzles, which become increasingly difficult. With the new portal gun, a third portal can be fired to teleport to another dimension, twenty years in the future. Players can thus switch between two timelines and that is also necessary to solve the puzzles. The mod also includes new voiceover lyrics and custom music.

Portal: Reloaded is, according to the creator, a challenging puzzle game aimed at ‘Portal veterans’. A full walkthrough of the game is on YouTube, to help players if they get stuck solving a puzzle. To play the mod, gamers must own Portal 2. The mod is available to download for free on Steam.

The mod was created by one developer, who only calls himself by name Jannis in a faq, and started the project several years ago. The developer calls Portal Reloaded a passion project that does not have to deliver anything. If you want to support the maker, you can buy the digital soundtrack on Bandcamp for 3 euros or a higher amount of your choice.

Portal Reloaded was released on Monday, exactly ten years after the release of Portal 2. Valve has not released any new Portal games since then, but several extensive mods have appeared in recent years, such as Aperture Tag and Portal Stories: Mel. Bridge Constructor Portal, a bridge-building game with a Portal license, also appeared.

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