Officially it is the Computer Crime III Act, but we know it earlier as the ‘back hacking law’ . This law, which was already adopted in the Lower House in 2016, allows the police to hack suspects into criminal cases. That is only possible if the crime suspected … suspected of being punished more than four years if it is proven.
Keeping the police under surveillance
This control remains a problem for some parties. GroenLinks, Party for the Animals, 50PLUS, SP and the PVV all voted against because they did not believe that the powers of the police were sufficiently dammed. As far as they are concerned, there are insufficient guarantees that no abuse will be made of the possibilities that this law offers the police.
In any case, it means that the suspects of cybercrime and other criminal actions must pay close attention to where they leave their login details. If the police now get them in their hands, they can no longer rely on their privacy. Most people will find that more than fine as long as the police do not surrender to this power.