Plague Inc. gets free game mode in which players have to fight virus

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Ndemic Creations has a new game mode for Plague Inc. called The Cure released for iOS and Android. In that mode, players must defeat a virus through contact tracing and vaccine research, the exact opposite goal of the original game.

The Cure was announced as the upcoming mode for the mobile game Plague Inc. in March. In the new mode, players have to take actions to fight a new virus. This can be done by sending investigation teams out, increasing testing capacities and combating local outbreaks. In doing so, players can conduct source and contact research, require measures such as washing hands and close boundaries. Players must simultaneously maintain the economy and develop a vaccine.

Ndemic Creations said in March that it was building the game mode at the request of many players. They would regularly ask for a mode in which to stop the virus. Plague Inc. was downloaded much more often than usual during the first coronavirus outbreak. Among other things, the developer received funding from and worked with health researchers to create the new game mode. However, Ndemic warns that the game does not offer accurate or realistic scenarios for virus control.

The game mode is currently only available for download on iOS and Android. The Cure is a mode that is included in the base game and does not need to be downloaded separately. Ndemic says the game is free “while the corona crisis lasts.” A version should also be released for PC and consoles at a later date.

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