Patrick Stewart returns to Star Trek in his role as Captain Picard

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“Jean-Luc Picard is back.” 78-year-old actor Patrick Stewart will reprise his role as the iconic starship captain in a new Star Trek series. It is the first time since 1994 that the actor appears as Picard again on TV. The last film with Picard is from 2002.

The moment of the unveiling, at a Star Trek trade show in Las Vegas, was captured by one of the visitors in a live stream, which can be seen below. Watch out, people are cheering very loudly. Apparently her phone is also a Trekkie about to have a heart attack, because after the announcement her live stream almost collapses, causing a whirlwind of compression artifacts. “Whatever happens in the next few years, what you just did makes it all worthwhile,” the actor says after the cheers have faded somewhat.

Stewart is set to play Picard in an all-new series for television network CBS, but the series is yet to be named. “He may not be a captain anymore. He may not even be the same person you know anymore. He may have changed because of his experiences. In the series it is also twenty years later for Picard.’ At the same time, another Star Trek series, called Star Trek: Discovery, is running. Season two of it will appear in 2019, but that is not the series in which we will see Picard. There are no scripts for this new series yet, but Stewart and the producers are in talks.

A commenter on Reddit describes Picard as “the noblest character among all nobles.” His speeches have inspired many people. You don’t have to look far on YouTube for examples of this.

Warning: very loud cheers

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