Patent application shows applications of virtual reality glasses Magic Leap

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A patent application has been published describing Magic Leap’s virtual reality glasses. Images show that the glasses can be used in everyday situations and that users can interact with the projected, virtual world.

The patent application in question appeared at the US patent office and was filed by Magic Leap, a start-up financed by Google. The company is known to be working on virtual reality glasses and the patent application shows what they have in mind. Magic Leap can project information into the wearer’s view in everyday situations. Then control and interaction is possible with all kinds of hand gestures.

The images accompanying the patent application clearly show what the makers of the glasses have in mind. Various situations are described, including how a shopping list is projected onto the shopping trolley in the supermarket, while children can play a virtual game in the meantime. Magic Leap also provides applications in the medical world, for example by projecting an organ.

Magic Leap had previously announced that it would come up with VR glasses with support for user interaction, but the company had not revealed much about the precise applications and operation. Google rallied behind the company with an investment of almost half a billion euros. It is rumored that Magic Leap works with fiber optic mini projectors that can project images realistically in 3D onto a person’s retina. Magic Leap calls its wearable itself ‘cinematic reality’.

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