Paradox announces grand strategy game Victoria 3

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Paradox Development Studio, developer of several grand strategy games, Victoria 3 has announced. This game also falls under that genre and allows players to manage their own society in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

In the Victoria games, players control a specific country, which they must help develop in cultural, economic and ideological areas. Science, trade and diplomacy are also areas that players will have to deal with. Technological developments such as railway lines, the telegraph, steam ships and the first airplanes are also reviewed.

The previous game in the franchise, Victoria II, is from 2010. In the meantime, the studio has worked on franchises such as Crusader Kings, Europa Univeralis, Stellaris and Hearts of Iron. It is not yet known when the game will be released. It is coming to Steam, the Microsoft Game Pass and the Paradox Store, the announcement said. The game is in all probability exclusive for PCs, which would also be in line with previous games from the studio.

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