Otello stops with Opera VPN

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The former browser builder Otello, formerly Opera Software, stops his Opera VPN service for iOS and Android. The vpn service, which is available in paid and free versions, has not existed for more than two years. Otello gives no reason for stopping the service

Opera VPN will stop on 30 April, announces the company . Presumably, Otello stops with the vpn service because it has just sold a division that also offers a vpn service. That is SurfEasy, a Canadian company. Opera took over SurfEase three years ago and sold it to Symantec at the end of last year.
Users of Opera VPN Gold receive a free subscription to SurfEasy, while free users receive an 80% discount when they purchase the vpn service from SurfEasy. SurfEasy is no stranger to Opera VPN users, because Opera VPN is a whitelabel version of SurfEasy’s vpn service.
The Norwegian Otello that SurfEasy owns has not been the same company for a while as the browsers build. That is now in the hands of a Chinese investor . SurfEasy first provided the backbone for the vpn service in the Opera browser, but that is no longer the case.


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