OpenSUSE releases Slowroll distro with monthly or bimonthly updates

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OpenSUSE releases a new distribution called Slowroll. It is based on Tumbleweed, but has a slower release cycle. Slowroll gets a new release ‘every one or two months’, but bug fixes are distributed continuously.

OpenSUSE writes that the new distro is still experimental. The distro is called openSUSE: Slowroll and is based on Tumbleweed, the creators’ standard distribution in which packages quickly reach users with only a small delay via a rolling release. In contrast, openSUSE: Leap is the server desktop environment that receives a small release every year and a major release every three years. Slowroll should be somewhere between those two distros.

According to the developers of openSUSE, Slowroll will receive a new release ‘every one or two months’. This excludes bug fixes and fixes for CVE bugs; they enter the OS as soon as they are turned off. Updates must be made by developers in Factory. They will then be automatically migrated to the Slowroll build after acceptance.

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