Number of paying Spotify users rises by ten million in five months

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The number of paying users of Spotify has increased by ten million in six months. According to the service, 70 million people now have a paid subscription to the streaming service, where there were 60 million five months ago.

As a result, the growth in the number of paying users of Spotify has slowed down slightly. Where the service gained an average of 75,000 subscribers per day last summer, that has now fallen to 64,000. This is due to the time that elapses between the milestones. The number of seventy million announced Spotify on Thursday. That’s 156 days after the service said it had 60 million paying users.

The music service invariably announces when it has gained ten million subscribers. Competitors are less generous with numbers. The last announcement from Apple about its streaming service Apple Music is at the end of September. Then there were ‘more than thirty million’. If Spotify adds the free users, the service comes out at around 140 million users.

According to Axios, the Swedish company is in the process of an IPO in the United States. It filed for a share issue late last year and is in the process of completing the paperwork. The IPO should take place before the end of March.

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