Number of Instagram users is growing faster and faster

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The number of active Instagram users is growing faster and faster. This can be deduced from figures published by the site, which is owned by Facebook. There are now 25 million active users per month.

A year ago, the influx of new active users was around 17 million, and three years ago, Instagram was adding about 11 million new active users per month to its community. Meanwhile, the number of people using Instagram each month has grown to around 700 million, the photo sharing site says.

It is unknown why growth has picked up again after growing at the same pace for several years. The new addition coincides with the introduction of Stories, a feature Instagram borrowed from Snapchat that came online in the summer of last year.

Facebook does not disclose the revenue of Instagram. The site also did not disclose the number of photos or views on photos on Wednesday, making it unknown how active the active users on the platform actually are.

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