NS will stop SMS-Alert from 1 January in case of timetable deviations

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From 1 January, NS will no longer send text messages to users who have registered for the SMS-Alert. The carrier refers customers who want to receive notifications about deviating timetables to its app.

The NS informed SMS-Alert users this week about the discontinuation of the free service, in which the company points out the app’s alternative for smartphones. The service’s website already redirects to that of the app.

The service started in 2011 and after ten days already had 70,000 registrations. With SMS-Alert, the NS sent a text message a day in advance when there was a modified timetable due to weather conditions as a precaution. In the event of an acute, major disruption that had an effect on national train traffic, the carrier did so on the same day.

A spokeswoman for the NS confirms that she will stop the service: “It only concerned reports of major disruptions. We think we can better reach people through other channels. With the app we can reach travelers where they are and receive reports about deviating timetables. we send as a push notification.” She cannot say how many users SMS-Alert still had, but she can say that the reach of the app is greater.

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