Nintendo comes with kits and software for cardboard Switch accessories

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Nintendo has announced Nintendo Lab. These are packs that allow players to create cardboard Toy-Con accessories for the Switch console. Labo also includes software with which the self-built fittings can be used.

Nintendo Labo consists of packs of cardboard panels and other supplies, such as rubber bands, to assemble accessories. These are items that can be combined with the Switch console and with the Joy-Cons.

For now, Nintendo has announced two building kits. The Mix Pack includes 28 pieces of cardboard and rubber bands, which players can use to create a model car, fishing rod, house, motorcycle and piano. Also included in the package is a Switch game card with software to use the cardboard accessories on the console.

In addition, there is the Robot Pack, with which a robot can be made in the form of a backpack that the player has to put on and a cardboard helmet for the player’s head. A Joy-Con must be put in both the backpack and the helmet, so that the cardboard accessories actually work as a control element for an included game.

Nintendo will also sell decoration sets that contain stickers and tape rolls to stick on the cardboard. The Nintendo Labo packs will be released on April 27. In the US, the packages cost $70 and $80. Nintendo has not yet announced Euro prices.

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