News sites show porn with old articles due to expired Vidme domain

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The domain of video streaming service Vidme apparently expired this month and was bought by a porn site. As a result, several websites, including news media, this week showed the front page of a porn site that should actually contain a Vidme video embed.

Vidme used to be a video streaming service that could be embedded by websites, just like YouTube. Since this week, those embeds show a snapshot of porn website 5 Star HD Porn. Also the url of redirects to the porn website.

According to Motherboard This week, websites such as The Washington Post, New York Magazine, and Huffington Post showed the porn website’s image instead of the proper Vidme embed. The porn website’s image shows users explicit snapshots of porn videos that are now viewed by other users. Websites are now manually removing the Vidme embeds.

Vidme was started in 2014 and the company shut down three years later. As a result, it will mainly be old articles where the video embeds have been replaced by an image from the porn website. According to Whois is the domain for updated July 7.

Source: Gizmodo

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