New version Pi-Hole can create groups and block first-party trackers
The adblocker software Pi-Hole can also block first-party trackers in the latest version. In version 5.0 it is also possible to create groups for different devices. According to the developers, users have been asking for this for a long time.
The changes are in version 5.0 of the software, the latest major update of the software. New in that version is that Pi-Hole handles cname queries in a different way. The program now checks whether there are certain domains at the cname level that should be blocked. For example, the blocker can also block first-party trackers.
Some ads are served from the primary domain that a user visits, so the ads are not noticed by third-party trackers. Pi-Hole calls the new feature “Deep cname inspection.” The feature is on by default, but can be turned off by administrators.
Another new feature is that users can create groups in the software. Until now, Pi-Hole was an all-or-nothing program, using the same blacklists and whitelists for all devices. Pi-Hole 5.0 offers the possibility to block trackers per client or per group. This can, for example, block advertisements on certain devices in a group.
Pi-Hole mentions as an example groups in which certain operating systems occur. A gui is available for managing groups, where users can also comment. It is not yet possible to control the groups via the command line.