New Tony Hawk game this year for DS, consoles in 2009
The Tony Hawk series returns to Nintendo DS later this year. The game will use technology not previously used on the DS. The other consoles will only be able to count on a new part in series in 2009.
The new Tony Hawk game for Nintendo DS is the first installment since Activision announced to take a closer look at the series. To achieve that on the DS, Activision uses an in-game technique not previously used on Nintendo’s handheld, such as reports games spot. Activision, however, does not specify what technology is involved. The DS game is separate from versions in development for the other consoles and will be the only Tony Hawk game to be released in 2008.
The next Tony Hawk game for the other consoles won’t be released until 2009. According to Activision, the year break is needed to achieve a “breakthrough” in gameplay that the game series according to the publisher needs. The game is scheduled for Activision’s 2010 fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2010. Since all Tony Hawk games hit the shops before the holidays, it is likely that the next Tony Hawk game for consoles will be released in the fall of 2009. Information about the game is not yet available; in view of the competition, Activision does not want to say anything about the game yet.