New Star Trek: Picard Trailer Shows January 24, 2020 Premiere Date

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A new trailer for the upcoming Star Trek: Picard series has been shown at the New York Comic-Con show, including a premiere date: January 24, 2020. The trailer features several familiar faces, although some don’t appear to be real.

78-year-old actor Patrick Stewart reprises the role of the iconic starship captain in this new Star Trek series. It is the first time since 1994 that the actor appears as Picard again on TV. The last film with Picard is from 2002. We also see Data, Seven of Nine and William Riker.

Series head Alex Kurtzman in an interview with the Los Angeles Times described the new series as “more questionable” and “a more psychological series, an investigation into a man who is long retired, but still has the lead”.

The first season of the series will have ten episodes. If this catches on with the public, then two more seasons will follow, presumably also with ten episodes each. However, the January 23 date does come across in the US trailer, but trailers showing outside the US state January 24, probably due to differences in time zones.

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