New Denuvo protection lasts longer than predecessors

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Games protected with a new version of security from the Austrian company Denuvo remain crack resistant for longer than games with an older version of the software. For example, Assassin’s Creed Origins hasn’t been cracked yet.

The DSO Gaming site noticed that the game has been out for a month without being cracked. He writes that in addition to Denuvo, the game is also protected by means of VMProtect. However, this fact would not only be due to the addition of VMProtect, as Denuvo has also released a new version of its software that has not yet been cracked.

According to an overview on Reddit, it concerns version 4.7 of Denuvo, which is present in Injustice 2, Need for Speed: Payback and Battlefront II, among others. No cracked versions of these games have appeared so far, which came out in November. Unlike Assassin’s Creed Origins, these games do not use VMProtect.

The lack of cracked versions is a change in a trend that has developed in recent months. Earlier this year, cracked versions appeared quite soon after the release of a game with Denuvo protection. Sometimes that happened a few hours after a game was released, for example in the case of Total War: Warhammer II.

For a long time the Denuvo-drm seemed unbreakable, so many publishers started using it. In the past, the Chinese cracker group 3DM even sighed that Denuvo could herald the end of game piracy. A year ago, the first cracks in security started to appear and some older games were cracked.

Assassin’s Creed Origins

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