‘New Canon PowerShot and dslr cameras offer depth of field support’

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Canon’s new PowerShot and digital slr cameras will offer an alternative depth-of-field control. That’s what Canon Rumors claims. It is not yet clear which cameras this specifically concerns.

Canon Rumors, who often accurately predicted developments from Canon, calls the depth-of-field support a logical next step for the company. It is also not clear whether this is a software or hardware function. If Canon actually adds the new depth of field support to its new cameras, the company will be heading in the same direction as Lytro and Google.

The camera app for Android KitKat 4.4 that Google put on the Play Store last month already includes a feature that allows users to blur the background. The app uses triangulation which makes it possible to determine the focus point afterwards. Last month, Lytro also announced an Illum lightfield camera that focuses on multiple points. That camera costs $ 1599.

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