Netflix is ​​running part of the user test with promo videos between episodes

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Netflix is ​​testing some of its users with promo videos shown between two episodes of the same series. The promos replace the screen showing information about the next episode from the playlist, such as title and description.

According to TechCrunch, these are promo videos for other series on Netflix that are recommended to the user based on their viewing history. The videos can be skipped, Netflix says. The test is one of hundreds the company is conducting to find out what works well to get and keep customers watching.

Users react very negatively to the test, as is apparent from the tweets that TechCrunch has below its piece. Even though the promos are about series that are already on Netflix and therefore do not cost anything extra and the videos can be skipped, the trial does not go down well with many users. The rationale is often that users pay for a service that is free of advertising interruptions and expect to receive it.

Promo video with continue button at bottom right – image: /u/WhyAllTheTrains, via TechCrunch

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