Netflix adds automatic download feature for preferred content in Android

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Netflix adds the so-called Downloads For You function in the Android app of its streaming service. This feature automatically downloads recommended content based on the user’s preferences. Viewing history plays an important role in this.

Netflixt says it wants to make discovering the next favorite series or movie quick and easy with this feature. Users must manually enable the feature in the Android app’s settings, choosing the maximum amount of data that can be downloaded: 1, 3 or 5GB. The download is then automatic and only occurs with a WiFi connection. With a few exceptions, most of the content from the full catalog is available for the download function; the exceptions are related to concluded license agreements.

This new download function has been tested since the end of 2019. In addition to making it easier to discover a new series, the idea behind the Downloads For You feature is that Netflix subscribers always have something to watch, even when there is no or very poor mobile data connection available. The new automatic download option can be thought of as an extension of Smart Downloads, a function that deletes a finished downloaded episode and automatically downloads the next part.

For now, the download feature is only available worldwide in the Netflix Android mobile app. The company says a test phase of this feature in the iOS app will begin soon.

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