NBMiner bypasses Lite Hash Rate limitation of RTX 30 GPUs on Linux and Windows

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NebuMiner has released NBMiner v41.0. The new version of the crypto mining software bypasses the LHR limitation of Nvidia RTX 30 video cards. NiceHash recently bypassed that limitation in its QuickMiner, but NBMiner is also available for Linux.

According to the makers of NBMiner operation has been tested on driver version 512.15 for Windows and 510.60 for Linux. There may be compatibility issues with other driver versions. Previous LHR modes, which partially reversed the limitation, have been removed from the software.

It is unknown how NebuMiner was able to circumvent the LHR restriction. NiceHash, which was the first to do this with its QuickMiner software over the weekend, also did not disclose how it did so. Whether the two makers of crytpomining software have worked together is also unknown.

A Twitter user confirms the lifting of the restriction works on HiveOS. That is a Linux distribution intended for mining rigs. NiceHash’s QuickMiner has a Windows client only.

Nvidia introduced the LHR limitation with new RTX GPUs at the beginning of last year. That limitation makes video cards less efficient at mining ethereum, while gaming performance remains the same. The manufacturer wanted to improve the availability of video cards for gamers.

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