NASA wants to increase rocket efficiency with microwave propulsion

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NASA is working on an alternative way to propel rockets. Instead of conventional combustion of fuels, the new way uses microwaves that ‘bounce around’ in a closed chamber.

The new method was presented by NASA at a rocket propulsion conference in the United States, Wired reported. NASA claims to have built a device that uses microwaves bouncing around in a closed room. In a scientific paper, NASA states that the microwaves probably interact with particles and anti-particles that spontaneously arise and disappear in a vacuum. The creation of particles in a vacuum out of nowhere is a quantum mechanical phenomenon that has been demonstrated before and is in line with Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.

However, NASA has not yet thoroughly investigated how its microwave-based propulsion method works. For the time being, the space agency is limiting itself to demonstrating the operation of the microwave method. In addition, the study only achieved a small propulsion force of 30 to 50 micronewtons, something that has to be increased in the future before it can be used for space travel.

It is not the first time that a so-called microwave thruster is being worked on. A Chinese team has already shown that it is possible to use such propulsion methods for space travel. However, the research came under criticism; several scientists indicated that such microwave propulsion could theoretically not work because it would violate the physical law of conservation of momentum.

Because the research is still in its infancy and much is still unclear about the exact operation, it is still unclear whether the technology can actually be used for rockets. If this is the case, it should make it easier to travel to distant space: with conventional rockets, the fuel takes up most of the space, so the distance that can be covered is relatively limited. Due to the use of microwaves, generated with electricity, less fuel capacity is required. Because only electricity is needed, even solar panels could provide the required energy.

NASA recently started building a new rocket that should also increase the distance rockets can travel. However, this rocket, the so-called Space Launch System, still works with a conventional propulsion system.

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