Mud puts Nintendo Wii in a case the size of Game Boy Color

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A handy craftsman has concealed the hardware of a Nintendo Wii in a 3d-printed housing the size of a Nintendo Game Boy Color. GingerOfMods worked on its so-called Wii Boy Color for nine months.

Photo: GingerOfMods

GingerOfMods made changes to the Wii software so that the disk drive is no longer required for operation. As a result, the hardware of the 2006 console can be made considerably smaller. The mud divided the pcb into several small pieces and designed his own pcb to connect everything together. There is also a small fan in the housing.

The modified hardware is concealed in a 3d-printed housing that has almost the same dimensions as a Game Boy Color. However, GingerOfMods uses a much larger 3.5 “ips LCD with a resolution of 640×480 pixels. The controller used the Nintendo DS Lite’s mud buttons and the thumbsticks of a Nintendo Switch. Internally, those controls are linked to the pcb of a Nintendo Switch. a GameCube controller, which software translates the buttons into input for Wii games.

The Wii Boy Color contains a battery that lasts about two to three hours, according to the maker. A power bank can also be connected via the USB-C connection. The portable Wii also has a 3.5mm audio jack and a built-in speaker.

It’s not the first time a modder has converted a Wii console into a portable device. Other Nintendo consoles, such as the GameCube and Super Nintendo 64, have also been converted to handhelds before. The mod from GingerOfMods is eye-catching for its case that looks a lot like a Game Boy Color.

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