Mozilla Uses Firefox Extension to Research Meta volg Tracking Behavior

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Mozilla and the journalistic organization The Markup will collect data in the coming six months for research into the tracking behavior of Meta, the parent company of Facebook. The organizations want to find out how Meta deploys and uses tracking pixels on the web.

Mozilla uses its own Firefox extension rallywhich users can install to voluntarily provide data to Mozilla and the researchers, such as is in the announcement. Mozilla and The Markup call the joint project Facebook Pixel Hunt.

Rally has been around since last year. Until now, users could donate data for research from various universities. Pixel Hunt is the first non-academic study conducted with the extension. Rally collects metadata about internet use and forwards it to the researchers. The investigation will run until July 13. After the analysis, Mozilla promises to delete all collected data. With the data, Mozilla and The Markup want to find out how Meta uses tracking pixels and what data Meta collects from internet users.

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