Mozilla stops developing Firefox OS for smartphones after version 2.62.6

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Mozilla will stop developing Firefox OS for smartphones after version 2.6. It had been clear for some time that Mozilla had stopped working with providers. As of May, no one from Mozilla is working on the operating system for smartphones anymore.

Instead, Mozilla focuses on Firefox OS for the Internet of Things, Mozilla says. The browser builder is working on version 2.6 of Firefox OS for smartphones, but after that, support will end. Mozilla calls the experiences in the smartphone market a “great starting point to move forward.”

Mozilla has been building Firefox OS since 2012 and various devices have been released with the operating system, including from the now discontinued Spanish Geeksphone, the Chinese manufacturer ZTE and the South Korean LG.

Firefox OS was supposed to bring the philosophy of open web standards to smartphones to allow web apps to work on all platforms. Despite Mozilla working with manufacturers and providers, the Firefox OS failed to capture significant market share. Firefox OS also runs on Panasonic TVs.

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