Mozilla releases latest Firefox version that supports Windows XP and Vista

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Mozilla has released the latest version of Firefox for Windows XP and Vista. From version 52 onwards, users of those outdated operating systems will receive security updates through the Extended Support Releases for another six months.

That Firefox 52 is the last version for users of XP and Vista is unobtrusive in the changelog of the new version. Users of the older systems will still get fixes for security vulnerabilities in Firefox, but they won’t see new features coming in Firefox 53 and later.

For this, Mozilla has the Extended Support Release, a program that is originally for schools that work with an outdated operating system. Through that program, all users of XP and Vista will receive security updates until probably September. Mozilla will announce exactly when support will end this summer.

According to Mozilla, Firefox remains one of the few browsers where users get fixes for security vulnerabilities in the browser in the older Microsoft operating systems. Vista came out about ten years ago, XP was released more than fifteen years ago.

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