Mozilla does not receive money for setting Google as a search engine in Firefox EU

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While Google is still the search engine for European users of Firefox after installation, Mozilla will no longer receive any money as part of a commercial agreement. That states the maker of the browser. Mozilla claims to be able to survive without Google.

Since it voluntarily scrapped a sizable search deal with Google last year, Mozilla has not signed any new deals with the search giant, including regional ones. “We have no commercial relationship with Google at this time,” Denelle Dixon-Thayer of the company’s business arm told Cnet. She admits Mozilla is losing money because of this, but it would be in line with its strategy of ‘encouraging more competition’.

Tax filings released on Wednesday show Mozilla’s 2014 revenue of $330 million, up from $314 million in 2013. Those amounts are at least partly including the money from Google, which would have paid hundreds of millions to get its search engine as standard in Firefox.

Meanwhile, Mozilla is trying to compensate for the loss of Google money through regional agreements. In the US, the company works with Yahoo, in Russia with Yandex and in China with Baidu. “We look forward to sharing the results next year,” Dixon-Thayer said. “2015 will show our continued good track record of strong financial results.”

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