Motorola puts Microsoft Bing on Android phones

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Motorola will provide the Chinese versions of its Android devices with the search engine and map application Bing. Motorola is said to have signed a worldwide deal for the installation of Microsoft’s services on its Android smartphones.

Normally, Android phones come with Google’s search function and maps. However, the search giant is arguing with the Chinese government and that would cause problems with the release of Android smartphones in China with Google’s apps. This is probably why Motorola wants an alternative to Google Search and Maps, and that alternative has been found in Microsoft’s Bing.

Bing will appear this quarter on the Android phones that Motorola plans to release in China, writes PC World. Older smartphones get Microsoft’s software through a software update. Motorola is also working on a widget for Bing, which should replace Google’s default widget. Motorola and Microsoft are said to have signed a global deal to use Bing on Motorola smartphones, but according to the phone maker, there are no plans to install Bing on Android phones released outside of China. The smartphone maker previously provided its Backflip smartphone in the United States with the Yahoo search service.

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