Modder turns Fisher Price controller into controller for Elden Ring

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A New Zealand modder and gamer has turned a Fisher Price controller into a controller for use with Elden Ring. Because there are fewer inputs on the toy controller, he had to make some adjustments.

Fisher Price Controller

It all started with a joke from Wario64, who posted a link to an offer from the Fisher Price controller, saying “perfect for Elden Ring.” Dylan Beck has worked on the controller occasionally since then, writes The Verge. Meanwhile, it is a working controller for PC and Elden Ring is playable. The original toy controller sound effects are also included.

Elden Ring may not be child’s play, but converting a toy controller into a real working modern controller is no easy feat either. The controller contains a clone of an Arduino Pro Micro, while a joystick was also required, because Fisher Price’s was actually a button.

Because a modern Xbox controller has two joysticks, it is possible to switch between both joysticks with the slider. Then the buttons on the right also change their function. So it is not usable at the same time. Beck shows his controller in a video. It’s not the first time someone has played Elden Ring with a custom controller. Another gamer was already using bananas as a controller.

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