Ministry of Economic Affairs updates rules for free router choice

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The Ministry of Economic Affairs has provided the rules regarding the free choice of router with a small update. These rules require providers to allow users to use their own routers, as long as they meet certain requirements.

For example, the new regulation, known as the End Devices Decree, contains the change that providers will in any case publish ‘technical specifications of the network connection points’ on their own website, so that users can view them. In addition, manufacturers can tailor their devices to these specifications. For example, part of the specifications is information about servers and protocols used by the provider.

Until now, providers had to disclose the specifications to regulator ACM. The ministry says that this intervention is no longer necessary, because the internet is an ‘efficient means’ for informing customers. The information may also be provided, for example, when concluding a contract.

The new decree does not contain any changed rules about the free choice of router. The change is the result of a replacement of a European directive. The rules oblige providers to allow the connection of ‘end devices’, for example a router or a modem, on their networks if they comply with certain regulations. The ministry mentions the example that a modem that supports docsis must be able to be connected to all docsis networks.

The obligation goes further than just the physical connection. For example, providers must also provide information about technical and administrative aspects, according to the ministry. In addition, a provider may not, for example, hold back or hinder software and firmware updates.

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