Microsoft Unveils Xbox ‘Project Scorpio’ Thursday Afternoon

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Microsoft will unveil its new Xbox console known as “Project Scorpio” Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. Digital Foundry, part of Eurogamer, says it can do that exclusively. A lot of technical details are likely to be announced.

In a tweet, Digital Foundry makes the upcoming disclosure known. Eurogamer’s technical department is responding to rumors that surfaced this week about the official announcement of the new console. According to those rumors, Forza Motorsport 7 will also be announced, a game that would run in 4k resolution on the new console.

Digital Foundry is known for its extensive technical analysis of console hardware and performance measurements of games on consoles. Microsoft appears to be working with the website for the unveiling of its new console. Due to Digital Foundry’s emphasis on hardware, it is expected that a lot will be disclosed about the hardware.

At E3 in June 2016, the Xbox manufacturer announced that it was working on ‘Project Scorpio’, a more powerful variant of the Xbox One. The new console should be able to run games in 4k resolution and support VR games, but with which VR glasses is not yet known. Microsoft states that games developed for the new console will also continue to work on the current Xbox One. This makes the strategy similar to that of Sony with the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 4 Pro.

The new Xbox will get 6 teraflops of computing power. That makes Project Scorpio more than four times as powerful as the Xbox One, which has to make do with 1.32tflops. According to Microsoft, a CPU with eight cores is used and the memory has a bandwidth of 320GB/s. The company has not yet given more details about the specifications. The console will be released in the fall.

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