Microsoft supports international cloud privacy standard

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Microsoft is the first company to support an international standard to guarantee privacy protection for personal data in cloud services. The ISO 27018 standard must, among other things, guarantee that companies do not sell personal data to advertisers.

The ISO/IEC 27018 standard of the International Organization for Standardization contains guidelines for organizations that provide cloud services. The organizations can use the guidelines to implement measures to protect personal data. External agencies can then verify whether this has been done correctly.

According to Microsoft, the British Standards Institute has found that Azure, Office 365 and Dynamics CRM Online comply with the standard and Bureau Veritas has done the same for Microsoft Intune.

According to Microsoft, the standard provides guarantees in the area of ​​user control over their personal data, transparency about what happens with the data and the security of the data. Also, companies that support the standard must ensure that the data is not used for advertising and must notify users if governments have demanded access to the data.

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