Microsoft Office for Windows 10 smartphones will be available at the end of this month

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Microsoft plans to release an early version of Office for Windows 10 smartphones before the end of the month. Compared to other versions, the controls of the software have been modified. The versions for desktop and tablets came out earlier.

On its blog, Microsoft announces that Office for Windows 10 smartphones is coming. Early versions of the Universal Office apps will be available to those running a preview version of the operating system before the end of the month. Furthermore, Microsoft wants to provide more information about its new Office app in the coming weeks. However, the company has already announced that the control of the software on smartphones works differently than usual: most commands have been moved to the bottom of the screen. That should make it easier to operate Office with your thumb.

At the same time, more information has come out about the novelties in Office 2016 for the desktop. The software should feel more modern due to a new interface, which should also match Office on other devices, such as mobile phones. There is also a need for better integration with cloud services and features for business environments. Users also need to be better protected against data loss. A preview of the software was previously made available. Office 2016 is likely to be released in the second half of the year.

In February, Microsoft released its first version of Office for Windows 10. It was intended for tablets and desktops. The smartphone version became available a little later, but Microsoft had already promised that it would also receive preview versions of the Office software. The operating system should be released sometime in the fall, for both mobile and desktop.

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